

来源:宿迁 发布时间:2013-9-21

China Suqian Software Park Cooperation Guide
New Height for Software and Outsourcing Service Enterprises

Globally - software and outsourcing service industries are developing rapidly and maintain a momentum of rapid growth, playing an increasingly important role in the global economy.
Suqian -is a new city in East China full of embarking enthusiasm and vitality, where the software and outsourcing service industries are surging in full swing.
Suqian Economic Development Zone of Jiangsu Province is an ideal place with vitality and charm, in which software and outsourcing service industries are becoming the rapidly emerging infant industries in the process of promoting industrial transformation and upgrading.
Suqian Software Park in China is a provincial model park of outsourcing service relying on Suqian Economic Development Zone, with the title of "Green Silicon Valley" full of well-known companies and elites in the industry.
all the business enterprises, institutions and people from various circles that interested in the development and expansion of software and outsourcing service
to join the development of Suqian Software Park!
Breif Introduction of Suqian Software Park
China Suqian Software Park , located at the provincial level Suqian Economic Development Zone, constructed in accordance with the national service outsourcing model base, covers an area of 0.8 square kilometers with a total construction area of 600,000 square meters, focusing on the development of service outsourcing, software R & D , IC design, digital animation, and other industries. At present, the first phase of the Park, Suqian Software Park Tower,23 layer with building area of 42,000 square meters, has been fully completed and put into use, improving the supporting facilities of the Park. With the accelerating pace of construction, Suqian Software Park will become a first-rate software and service outsourcing base with distinct industrial features, setting public training, public services, business and living, catering services, banking, postal services, recreational facilities and other support functions together.
▲ An ideal place for creative industries, with distinct features, perfect facilities and first-class environment.
▲A Hi-Tech Park of internationality, systematicness and gardenization.

Development Objectives of Service Outsourcing
General objective: Striving to make three to five years of efforts,the total output of software and services outsourcing industry in the zone will reach 3 billion yuan development and the industrial scale to achieve first-class development level in Jiangsu province.
Business objective: By 2010, 200 software and service outsourcing enterprises will cluster in Suqian Software Park, each of which has more than 10,000 employees, to support the rapid development of software and services outsourcing industry in Suqian.
Talent objective: By 2010, employees in Suqian Software Park will reach 10,000, among which 5,000 are medium- and high-end  as well as application-oriented ones and 10,000 are university graduate.    

Advantages for the Development of Service Outsourcing
Superior Ecological Environment
Known as the reputation of "Fresh water world, Green pastoral dream", Suqian is the only city there is no "acid rain" in Jiangsu Province. Suqian is known as "a pure land" in the East China region, "two basins of clean water" in Jiangsu Province, "a forest" in Huaihai Eeconomic Zone, and " the Biggest Oxygen bar" in Huang-Huai-Hai region.
Convenient Transport
Suqian boasts an advanced modern transport system combining airways,highways,railways,and waterways together. About 40 minutes by car, Guanyin International Airport has opened more than 50 domestic and international flight routes. Suqian will offer more speedy and convenient transport.
Strong Pro-business Atmosphere
We creat actively a Pro-business environment in which businessmen can settle down, prosper and a favorable soft environment for investment.  The all-round system of ready to help, arranging-all and one-stop service has become our "gold-lettered signboard".

Complete Network Facilities
The broadband MAN covering urban and rural areas of Suqian has been completed,which can provide ADSL, 10M/100M/1000M lines, and other rate access service for the customers. Suqian has 80,000 broadband network ports with the Internet export surplus bandwidth reaching 20G. The IDC which invested up to 6 million yuan can hold 600 servers.
Tight Information Security
The park attaches great importance to the protection of IPR and personal information and will continuously optimize its legal and policy environment for the development of software and services outsourcing industry,  which  will serve as a green path to information security work and efficient IPR related service. The park encourages enterprises to acquire relevant certifications such as Information Security Management Certification (ISO27001), Certification for Environmental Security of Service Provider (SAS70), and will provide funding for this.

Supportive Policies

The professional and technical personnel with college degree (or above) or associate professors and professors who are introduced by the software and service outsourcing enterprises can receive the subsidies. The bachelor, masters, and doctorate degree receivers can be awarded respectively 40,000 yuan, 60,000 yuan and 80,000 yuan, and associate professors and professors can be awarded a maximum of 60,000 yuan and 80,000 yuan respectively.
——办公用房补贴。入区软件和服务外包企业 5 年内按人均 10 平方米左右零租金配套办公用房,免费使用部分办公设备。
-- Subsidized office space. The software and outsourcing service enterprises in the park will be provided with office space for free by about 10 square meters per capita in 5 years, in which some of the office equipments are available for free.
——生活用房补贴。为软件和服务外包企业的主要创业人员提供免房租公寓或按人均 6000 元 / 年补贴房屋租金,优惠期为 2 年;为其他专业技术和经营管理人员提供廉租公寓,房屋租金给予 50% 补贴,或按人均 1500 元 / 年补贴房屋租金,优惠期为 2 年。
-- Living space subsidies. The entrepreneurs in software and outsourcing service enterprises can be provided with rent-free apartments or 6,000 yuan per capita every year as subsidies for housing rentals. And this offer is valid for two years. Other professional technical and management personnel can be provided with low-rent apartments, and 50% subsidies for housing rentals, or 1,500 yuan subsidies per capita every year in housing rentals, and also this offer is valid for two years.
    --Subsidies for new corporations. The software and outsourcing service companies both nationally and internationally renowned that are headquartered or regional headquartered in our city with a certain number of professional and technical personnel can be awarded for a one-time grant by special funds, in which 5 million yuan can be awarded for those whose number of professional technical and management staff is over 1000, 3 million yuan for those whose number is between 500 and 1000, 1 million yuan for those whose number is between 200 and 500, and RMB 500,000 yuan for those whose number is between 60 and 200.
The usage fees of the software and outsourcing service enterprises accessing to the public internet in China should be paid 75% of standard pay rates of the internet within three years. The enterprises can apply for 25% subside of standard pay rates of the internet from the special funds on proof of the certification issued by the software and outsourcing service office of city.
——由同级财政部门给予企业营业税、所得税地方留成部分 5 免 5 减半奖励。
——从事管理、技术工作的人员和为本市企业提供服务的外地高端人才,由同级财政部门按其缴纳的个人所得税地方留成部分给予 5 免 5 减半奖励。
Tax award. The software and outsourcing service companies, which settle in our city, can enjoy various tax favorable policies according to the national and provincial laws, meanwhile:
--The sales taxes and the income taxes enjoy subsidy from financial departments at the same level of 5 exempting from taxation and 5 reducing down to half.
-- The staff who engage in management and technical work, and the excellent talents from other cities who provide services for our city enjoy subsidy from financial departments at the same level of 5 exempting from taxation and 5 reducing down to half according to the personal income tax.
--Promote the software and outsourcing service enterprises to be assessed as high-tech enterprises. Those whose qualified conditions can enjoy the same tax policy after they are acknowledged. Software and services outsourcing companies can apply for exemption policy on tariffs and importation value added tax according to relevant state polices and regulations for the equipment used for undertaking outsourced services and together with technology (including software) and associated parts, spare parts according to the contract.
 ——建设用地优惠。鼓励高等院校、科研机构、世界 500 强企业、国内外上市企业及行业前 50 名的软件和服务外包企业在宿投资兴办软件和服务外包企业或兴建软件园。符合《划拨供地目录》的项目可以划拨供地;属于物流(仓储为主)、研发、工业设计等生产型服务外包项目可以参照工业类性质项目以工业用地最低价标准挂牌出让供应土地;属于划拨用地如改变性质应按有关规定补交土地出让金。
--Supportive policies on the construction land. Encourage colleges and universities, research institutions, the worlds top 500 enterprises, the listed companies home and aboard and the top 50 in the software and outsourcing service enterprises to invest and establish software and outsourcing service enterprises or to construct software parks in Suqian. The projects which meet the standards set forth in the “Catalogues for Building Land Supply” can be allocated the building land, and other production-service outsourcing projects which belong to the logistics (warehousing mainly), research and development, and industrial design can refer to the industrial projects to assign lands at the minimum price for industrial land, and the allocated lands, which have changed the nature of the relevant provisions, should pay the land grant fee.

Training Institutions for Service Outsourcing Talents
Software and service outsourcing industry is a industry highly dependent on talent and knowledge. Talent is core resource to promote software and service outsourcing industry. Suqian Software Park establish a diversified, multi-level software and service outsourcing professional education and training system, based on Suqian College, Suqian Application Technology College, Suqian Economic and Trade Vocational School, Chutian Technology Vocational College, Suqian Vocational Training Base, and other institutions. In accordance with enterprise and market demand, we carry out the "order" of training, and actively guide and support the higher vocational institutions and enterprises of software and service outsourcing needs of the personnel, training professionals and service the development of enterprises.


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